Things That Affect Your Wellness
We all know that working hard pays off, and eventually, being able to get that paycheck would even let you say, “Finally!” with a contented smile and sigh. Unfortunately, working hard can also have consequences for our wellness, especially regarding our mental health. The most common things that we know of the negative effects of excessive working are stress, headaches, and overall fatigue! Even though you would drink some anti-biotics for your “common cold” and headache, there are chances that these medical products would work less and might make your body immune to it. According to the research article published by PLOS ONE, doing overtime work can also lead you to depression. Another article by Healthline also listed the negative effects of work-life on one’s wellness: job dissatisfaction, workplace injury, stress, discrimination, and bullying.
There might also be different factors on how your work-life can affect your lifestyle and mental wellbeing:
1. Poor Communication

As we always say, communication is key! Communication in a workplace can help one another to complete their tasks. Without proper communication in the workplace, the employees might lack motivation and cause chaos such as confusion and misunderstanding leading to unachieved goals. Poor communication can also demoralize the employees, making them feel unappreciated.
To prevent miscommunication in the workplace, one must learn how to communicate, especially with a leader. This would lead to unclear job responsibilities and failure to have a collaborative space for workers. To prevent them, Workplace Appreciation must be included. The following are the possible psychological effects of workplace appreciation towards the employees:
- Better Sleeping Habits
According to a 1996 study created by June Pilcher, an average sleep towards a person can affect health balance and life satisfaction. It can also lower one’s risk of severe health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. It can also improve a person’s mood and reduce stress; with proper sleep, the employee can think clearly, and sleeping can also enhance their performance in a workspace! - It lessens stress.
The role of gratitude is most likely social support or scaffolding for the stability of a person’s mentality and function towards the workspace. A person receiving appreciation helps to lessen their risk of stress and depression. It can also help them establish strong relationships with their co-workers!
To know more about proper communication, consider reading Top 10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication. Remember that being able to appreciate your workers may also help boost a workplace’s morale.
2. Gossip

This is also a pretty common thing at work, gossip. Gossip can disrupt the peace in a workspace and can even lower a person’s self-esteem. According to a 2020 article by Sherri Gordon, gossip might also lead to depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, and anxiety. When it comes to working, this can lead to loss of trust and morale, reputation, and most possibly a higher risk of employees leaving the company due to the toxicity of the workplace. According to the RobertHalf site, here are a few tips to prevent gossip in the workplace:
- Maintain an open-door policy
- Provide clear and candid information quickly
- Address workplace gossip swiftly
Gossip can also cause division among employees and take sides on which and who is right or wrong. Remember that bringing others down might not even elevate you, but you might also experience the person’s downfall when it comes to their reputation; giving out non-factual rumors may also give a lack of productivity in a workplace.
3. Lack of Proper Resources

This factor affects the employee’s mental state and the company’s productivity and financial state. Chances are, the productivity and financial performance of the company would decline due to the outdated resources or lack of necessary resources. Without proper resources in a workplace, the employees feel unappreciated and demoralized, especially if their requests get ignored. This would result in the employee experiencing severe stress, burnout, and lack of motivation to finish the expected goal.
Overcoming this factor that may impact your employees may even help improve the well-being of your employees and your company’s productivity rate!
- Budget
As a leader, you should be able to monitor and track the needs of your company. The company can prepare the estimated budget needed to provide the materials required to improve the company. - Punctuality
Being punctual is a part of every company’s goal. Although it takes time to provide the needed materials, it is up to the whole team to be creative to finish a specific project within the timeframe. You should state the new goals intended to continue a particular project so no employee would be confused and the plan would go smoothly!
Key Takeaway:
Not everyone is experiencing a healthy workspace, and some are even maintaining distance to keep the peace in their workplace. It is very common to experience stress though it is too much to handle, not because of how many tasks are given to us but because of the atmosphere of the environment. To create a healthy environment, we should also understand each other’s situation to prevent confusion, misunderstanding, and division in the workplace. Maintaining communication in a workplace should enable the workers to experience enough peace and organization within workers.
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